Mindfulness: Essential for Everyone
What do Oprah, LeBron James, Derek Jeter, Kobe Bryant, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ariana Huffington, Hugh Jackman and Phil Jackson have in common?...

Interview: Lawrence Kasanoff on the New Documentary “Mindfulness — Be Happy Now”
Hollywood producer Lawrence Kasanoff makes movies like Mortal Kombat. But his interest in mindfulness and its link to happiness has...

How Do You Do What You Do? Working with suicidal people who have borderline personality disorder
A few years ago I was approached by producer and director Larry Kasanoff who asked me if I would agree to be in his documentary:...

Review: Mindfulness: Be Happy Now – A Fascinating Look into How Celebrities Think
The budget for Mindfulness: Be Happy Now might be less than what Disney spent simply on the catering for the latest Avengers film, but...

How Mindfulness Helps Us Lead Fuller, Happier Lives "True life" begins when we are fully p
When we think about happiness and success, many of us turn our attention to some distant horizon where our hopes and aspirations lie. But...

New 'Mindfulness' movie is not all lotuses and smooth stones
Lawrence Kasanoff was, at one time, a classic Hollywood producer - a guy with big projects and a bad temper. He was and is the guy behind...